Saturday, July 19, 2008

"Lofting" is when the designer's plans are layed out onto the wood.

I now have (2) 16' long pieces of 3/8ths " thick plywood to build the hull and the sides of the boat with.   Note the joint where the two 8' pieces of plywood were scarfed together (left of the brick). 

I lofted the hull and side measurements onto one 16' long piece.  I join the two 16' long pieces together (one on top of the other) with clamps, and with help from the bricks, and the cutting begins.  I used a saber saw for most of the cutting, and left about an 1/8th of an inch to spare.  I used a hand planer to shave right to the line.  Many builders us hand planes to shave, but I found it easier to use a hand planer with plywood.

I should also mention at this point that the bricks were my constant helpers.  Whenever I needed a hand to hold things, the bricks were always there.  I didn't have to buy the bricks donuts or give them tips... gotta love the bricks.

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